Getting Started
Upon purchasing the VLMS/Vlock, Software Vendors receive a VLock Vendor ID and password
for the VLM's license key server.
As a vendor you can create customer accounts and administer your customer's licenses using this
id/password combinataion.
Customer administration can be performed at VLocks's Vendor
Central website or automatically by your company's own website when customers purchase your
software product.
Applications must call: validate_machine_key(char *path); - prototype in "vlm.h"
where path is the location of your application's vlm license file. If no path is specified
(i.e. path == (char *)NULL) VLM will use the directory in which your application executable
(.exe) is installed.
Your app must be linked to 'vlm.lib' (MSDEV project settings-->link-->inputs-->additional
Your application installer/setup can launch the licensing GUI, vcflm.exe, during it's own
installation. Users can also launch the GUI manually by running vlms.exe, which you will distribute
with your application.